"Ahhh… My new home away from home…. I came across the Island while searching for just about anything UB40 related and thank goodness I did! The Board has helped me to meet new people and to keep in touch with them. It thrilled me when I found a place where I could talk with other UB40 fans without feeling that I needed to know every minute detail about the band. In fact, several members of the Jams Posse have helped me in the learning process! And I'm still working on it!"


"Let's see… Where to start… Hmmm… Well, I don't think my ears have ever been blessed with such a sweet sound as their music… Whether slow and sensual or cheery and upbeat, their rhythms have always made me smile. To assure a wonderful day, I wake up every morning listening to them. What can I say? I'm just one in the trillions of fans!"


"I know that some of you are going to slap me with a trout for this, but the first song of UB40's that even got my attention was "Red, Red Wine." I  still love that song... It brings back childhood memories... Anyway, at that time, I didn't even know the name of their group. And it wasn't until  later in my life, when they came out with "Can't Help Falling In Love," that I started to find real interest in ALL of their music. To be completely honest, I don't know too much about their history (my memory isn't good enough for that). And I only have one of their CDs (Best of UB40: Volume II) due to the fact that I'm pinched for cash and my family screams every time I try to buy something for myself before the holidays. :) They say I don't want enough things... Just the bare necessities... lol… So I'm kind of stuck here with limited knowledge... I'm still working on it, though! Unfortunately, I've never had the privilege of seeing UB40 in person, although, I would love to!!!! Anyway, I guess the point of this very long and seemingly pointless paragraph is that their music alone drew me to them. Music has been a very large part of my life and their soulful sound makes me happy on days that I would feel otherwise. They relax me on those stressful days and... I don't know... THEY JUST ROCK!!!!"


"Sadly enough, I can't pick just one kind of music. I have played the piano for 9 years and the violin for 7 years, so it is almost a given that I like classical music (although, it really bugs me listen to it for hours on end 'cause I like to sing with my music)…. I like quite a bit of Lenny Kravitz's music, especially 'Fly Away'. I sometimes listen to blues and lounge music just for a change…. My parents raised me on what they now call 'Oldies', ya know '50s and '60s music, but it's gotten to the point that I can only stand so much of that, too…. And of course, I LOVE reggae music, or I wouldn't be here! :-D"


"Yikes! The inevitable question! Hmmm… (1) 'Bring Me Your Cup', (2) 'Here I Am (Come And Take Me)', (3) 'Where Did I Go Wrong'. But keep in mind that I only have 1 CD."


"I can't say enough about the people on this Island! Friendly, clever, quiet, loud, obnoxious, brilliant, goofy…. You name it, we got it! (I fit in with the goofy ones, I think…) (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong…) Diversity does, after all, make for an interesting world. In any case, every single member I have met has brought with them a friendly aura and cheery nature!"


"Being that I'm practically a newborn to this Island, I've only made it to 1 chat so far, but I'm not done yet! (If you're really interested in why it took me so long to make it to one of the chats, have Sistah tell you about all the trouble I caused for her within my first week…)(I love you, Sistah!). It's great fun, though. It's almost as though we are all having  a day-to-day conversation! I look forward to getting to know more of the members through the chat room."


"'Roll with it, baby…' -- Steve Winwood

'Fun time is time well spent!' -- That one's actually from me! Just so you guys don't think I'm totally goofy --

'Do you bite your thumb at me, sir?' --Shakespeare, "Romeo and Juliet" Act I, Scene i"

Renee greets us from Tulsa, Oklahoma "the perfect place to be isolated from any reggae music" and is also known as MorningHair and Smiley. She also adds she would enjoy hearing from other fans!

email renee

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