"Well I found the Jams board by accident. I'd just seen UB40 at Hull Arena a week before and was still on such a high, I thought I'd search the web for info on them. At first I kept getting pages on Unemployment Benefit, lol. But then I found Dubmobile's site, which led me too the Jams board. I was amazed at how many like minded people there were out there, and I was soon checking the board 3 or 4 times a day, just to read what everyone was saying. It was some 3 weeks before I posted a message, mainly because I didn't want to intrude as i felt like an outsider, I guess, looking in."


"I first heard the UB's through my big brother. He was always playing "Red Red Wine", and when ever he wasn't about I'd nick it to play (I got caught) so he bought me the 12 inch, my first UB record . Then he took me to see them at Finsbury park and I've been hooked ever since (thanx bro).

I just feel the band goes from strength to strength, in a world where commercial bands are the norm. It's bril to have a band with real talent. I have nothing but respect for the way they have stuck at it when so many others have failed."


"I love lots of different stuff, it mainly depends on my mood. But anything I can dance to is cool. I love Ska, the late 50s early 60s stuff like the Paragons, Jimmy Cliff, Lord Tanamo, M people, Bitty, bob Marley, the list is endless."


"Again it depends on my mood and my album of the moment, for now they are: 'Guns In The Ghetto', 'My Best Girl', 'Bring Me Your Cup'".


"I said earlier I felt like an outsider when I first found the Jams. I was so wrong, sistah e, GG and Reza made me feel so welcome (thanx guys). Finding the Jams board, well it was like finding a small piece of sanity in an insane world. People who think like you and feel like you with the same passion; friends who laugh with you and cry with you. Who don't tut and roll their eyes when you mention the UB's and who have so much knowledge between them. I am truly in awe at their dedication and commitment to the band."


"I look forward to Thursdays [chat day] all week, even my boss knows not to rotate me on a Thursday night, because the one time he did I was so moody he vowed never to again. In our weekly chat we laugh, joke, and build on our friendships. I feel proud to say that the posse members  I've come to know are my friends. and I look forward to getting to know the new friends I haven't yet met there."


"Treat others how you would expect them to treat you."

Cookie hails from Peckham, London, but now lives in Yorkshire. She only uses the name Nicecookie as she's a chef and it suits her.

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